Sunday 13 September 2015

Fall is upon us

Time is flying! Summer is over and the weather is getting cooler. The adoption process is whizzing along. It's time for a blog update!


Silas had a busy September long weekend and then he had surgery on the 8th.  We traveled 5 hrs to the city in order to have our pre-admit appointment on the 4th (Friday) because Monday was a holiday. So we got to be in the city for the whole long weekend. I love all the friends and family that I have there but the city itself is not my favourite place. Too many people, too much traffic, too much construction and too much everything really.  I much prefer my small town life!

After his appointment on Friday morning we went back to my brother's house and by the evening Silas had developed a cold. Ugh! I was so worried that all the travel and time off work would be for nothing because they would cancel the surgery if he was too sick. He really needed those ear tubes.  I was using essential oils on him and praying and I had a group of friends praying too.  The interesting thing is with this illness everyone else who got it developed a bad cough.  A cough or fever = no surgery.   Silas never got much of a cough! He didn't really cough until the day after his surgery and even then it wasn't nearly as bad as the rest of us.  I caught it too and I've been coughing my head off for a week now. 

So all those prayers and essential oils worked and Silas got tubes put in his ears and all that nasty fluid that had been sitting there for a long time (years probably) was all drained out! Yay!

He wasn't a happy camper when he first woke up from the anesthesia but he calmed down once I was able to hold him and cuddle him.  Once we went back upstairs to the recovery room he drank lots of water and ate FOUR apple sauces! He was a hungry boy. 

We had to stay one more night in the city and then we headed home the next morning. I'm very thankful that we were so well taken care of at my brother and sister in law's house.  From amazing meals that my sister in law seems to whip up effortlessly to the cold meds my brother was able to get me.  And we got to spend some great time with my nieces and nephew and also celebrate my sister Sara's birthday.

Thanks to those ear tubes an amazing thing happened this weekend. I told Silas to walk through the gate while I pushed the bike. He walked through the gate and then kept on trucking down the driveway. I called him to come back......and he heard me! And he turned around and came back!! As far as I can remember he's never responded to me calling him from that far away before. God is so good!

Here Silas, I'll show ya how to work it.
Auntie Sara turns 25!

Adoption Progress

Things are moving along so smoothly for this adoption. It's so much more relaxing the second time around because I know the process and what to expect this time.

Right now my dossier is in Bulgaria being translated. Once that is done then it will be logged in with the Minister of Justice and I wait for a referral. It could be just a couple months before I find out who my next little boy will be!

Yes, that's right, in two months I could have pictures of my little boy! He won't be a mystery anymore!


Despite sickness in July and basement flooding in August.....and more sickness and surgery in Sept my little red thermometer keeps on climbing! It's been amazing to watch God move people's hearts and be inspired by watching what He's doing with the adoption. I think having Silas here as evidence that adoption changes lives has helped too! There's still a long ways to go in not a very long time but God is faithful and he will provide! I've estimated that there is a minimum of 8 mths left to go but that depends on many variables.

I will be holding another yard sale (possibly indoors) later this month. I can now accept donations of yard sale items again. The fixing up of the basement after the flood will wait until after the sale. So if you'd like to donate anything just let me know. I can pick it up or you can drop it off, whichever is easiest for you!

A friend, Litia, is going to be organizing a Jamberry fundraiser for me the first week of October!

After the Jamberry fundraiser I'm going to be doing another auction on facebook. I've been busy sewing and gathering items for that. If you have anything to donate to the auction it would be very much appreciated! The last auction raised over $3000. Maybe I should aim for $5000 this time??  ;o)  There will be many great items in it that will help you cross some things off your Christmas gift shopping I'm sure.

Other things I've been doing to raise money are picking up extra shifts at my weekend job (a huge thank you to mom for watching Silas for those extra hours), taking on evening childcare and doing my best to stick to a budget. I'm also working hard on several more fundraising ideas.

On Thursday I was interviewed by a reporter at the local newspaper. They heard that I am adopting again and wanted to talk about it. I figured some good PR couldn't hurt! lol I tried to focus on Christ being the reason for adopting and talked about how God has provided for Silas' adoption and this adoption. I'm not sure how long the article will be but look for it in this weeks paper!  It's a good thing it wasn't a radio interview because I was having coughing fits the whole time. lol  Talking for 20 mins straight with a cold will do that I guess!

Mr. Serious

Mr. Silly
I hope you enjoyed seeing these pictures. Most of them were taken by my sister in law when we were down for Silas' surgery. Thanks again Carla!

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