October 26th is turning out to be a pretty fantastic day. Not only is it my nephews 7th birthday but today I also found out that my dossier has been submitted to the Minister of Justice!
My nephew
So what does that mean you ask? Well, basically it means that my dossier is out of the hands of my agency and is being prepared to be matched with a child. It's a pretty HUGE step that gets me even closer to my boy. My heart leaped when I read the email this afternoon!
I was hoping to travel for the first trip yet this year but it's not looking too great for that. But that's okay! It'll all happen in God's time and that will give me a bit more time to raise the remaining less than $14000! My expenses for this month were low and my income was higher so I was able to add a great amount of my paycheck to my savings and that gave the thermometer another boost last Friday.
I know you all were expecting my auction to start today. It's going to be a fantastic auction but it won't happen for a couple more weeks.
Instead, for two weeks, I'll be doing an Uppercase Living fundraiser! Jensen Bardwell is the consultant and she's donating all 30-35% of her commission towards the adoption!
How cute is that Alphagator??! Just click on the picture and that should take you to the website where you can place your order. You'll need to let me know if you ordered so that I can tell Jensen to add your order to the calculations at the end of the fundraiser. There are SO many decals, you may have a hard time narrowing it down! This fundraiser will end on November 9th.
The auction will still happen and I'm still accepting donations if you'd like to help out with auction items. I've got some great stuff in it that you won't want to miss! I'm thinking it will start on November 12th.

And lastly Jamberry! There is still time to place an order. It will end on Wednesday. We had a glitchy weekend thanks to facebook being silly but the website is back up and running now so you can check out the catalogue online here:
If you want free shipping just message me on facebook with your order or email me at cwspider at mymts.net
I do believe with the news I got today I've officially entered the second trimester of this "paper pregnancy" !
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