Ever since I learned about them in my Early Childhood classes I've always loved growth charts.
There's just something about them.
I can't even figure out what it is that makes me love them so.
Anyways, I've plotted the height and weight of a certain little boy with Down syndrome.
The boy who I hope to call my son soon.
Keep in mind these are special growth charts for kids with Ds
because they tend to be smaller than typical kids.
Not too bad. Lower than the 10th percentile though.
That means that almost all boys with Ds at his age are several inches taller
than he is.
But still, providing that the information I have is accurate, that's not too bad.
Moving on to weight.
Ummm, yeah....
That red dot is way too low.
Now it could be because of his heart condition.
Or his thyroid.
Or it could be because he's not being fed enough.
Or that the food they are giving him is lacking nutrition.
It could be that the people in charge of his care don't have time
to feed him a full meal.
Breaking. My. Heart.
Twelve days until I travel.
Fourteen days until I meet him.
Fourteen days until I meet him.
Thanks for the link to your blog :) So happy to follow along on your journey to your Son. (I'm from the Canadian Prayer group on FB)
Hello! I'm glad to have you follow along. :)