And apparently it's been a month since I last blogged.
The presentation for the ladies group went great! I was hardly nervous at all but I did miss talking about a few things and I went way over on my allotted time. I wish I had emphasised the conditions that orphans are living in a bit more.

So that was June 20th.
On the 21st after work I travelled to the city and stayed the night with my brother's family. I got to spend an hour in the morning with my niece and nephew. An hour is never enough to spend with those sweeties. It was soooo hard to tear myself away. I ended up being a few minutes late for the education seminar!
Sunglasses for breakfast just because he's cool like that.
One of the highlights of the day was meeting an online friend and her husband. Hi Cathy!
But the biggest highlight of the day was.......
Signing the finished home study!!!!!!!!!
Someone who's job it is to determine so thinks I'm capable of parenting!
So cool to see that in writing!
I didn't even know that the social worker had finished writing it up! So I was quite pleased with having that step done. The next step is sending the home study to my facilitating agency in ON for their approval. The director of that agency is on holidays until the 16th so hopefully that can happen next week.
After the seminar I rushed the 5 hours home to make it back to work on time for 9pm. Way too quick of a trip.
And then a couple days later my sister-in-law had a baby girl! I just missed Tabitha Marie's entrance by a couple days! I hope to travel back to the city to see her and her siblings soon.
So June ended in a bit of a whirl wind and here we are half way through July already. Slow down summer!
Yard Sale #2
I will be having another yard sale next weekend. This time I'm going to try having it on Friday and Saturday and see how that goes. Once again I'm asking for donations of yard sale items. You can drop them off at my house or give me a shout and I'll come pick them up. Any donation will be very appreciated. Someone donated a box full of baby girl clothes. They're soooo sweet. Girls get all the nice clothes. ;o)
Hi back at ya! God bless you on this amazing journey:)
ReplyDeleteAhhh my first ever blog comment! Thanks Cathy!