If I had a dollar for every time someone asked me if I've heard from Bulgaria in the last two weeks I'd have at least $20. lol
Believe me, I'm just as anxious as you are for some sort of update, but I haven't heard anything yet. It could be tomorrow that I find out who my son is or it could be months from now. It's just a matter of the right file coming up that matches my homestudy.
When I finally do hear something everyone will hear about it!
In the meantime we can keep on praying for my yet to be revealed son. Pray for his health and comfort. And for his physical growth and cognitive development. Pray that he gets taken out of his crib and is able to explore. And of course pray that we get matched soon!
I'm finding this wait to be a little easier than the wait was for Silas. I think that's mostly because I was so eagerly waiting to "become a mother". And now I am a mother to a very busy boy so there is little time to sit and pine.
And speaking of that busy boy he did the funniest thing today. Every Tuesday and Thursday a Child Development Worker comes to the house to work with Silas. He really looks forward to her visits. Today she had him sitting at the table playing with playdough. She was leaning over top of him and he twisted his head to look up at her with a big grin on his face and it put him in such a funny looking position that we laughed. He realized that he was being silly and he kept twisting his head/neck like that again and again making us laugh and laugh. Finally we just had to stop our laughter so that he would get back to working. lol I wish I'd caught it on video. That's the first time I can remember him intentionally doing something silly to make other people laugh. Or at least the first time it was so obvious that he was trying to make us laugh. He is often a silly boy but it mostly seems like he's just being silly for his own entertainment.
And the fact that he was looking at the CDW's face is a big deal too. I've seen a huge improvement is his eye contact the last couple weeks. It's still very fleeting but it's improving!
Silas is still enjoying going to the pool about once a week. With his new floaty "puddle jumper" he can now move through the water on his own now just like a big boy. He gets better at it every time we go. I love that I can take him in the deep end and swim around him and be a little more hands off. One day he'll be doing laps with the Special Olympics swim team!
So that's what we've been up to. Keeping busy and patiently waiting! And praying we hear news soon! Tomorrow would be great! ;o)