In Canada we wear boots for about half the year. A good pair of boots is important to have. When I was shopping for boots for Silas I looked for the ones that were rated for the coldest temp I could find. (-32C) Because of his immature circulation, which may be part of down syndrome, Silas gets very cold feet very quickly. So good boots are a must. I also wanted a pair that were easy to put on but hard for him to take off. I did a few hours of research and settled on these.
They cost me $50.....which is a lot for a pair of size 5 kids boots, but they were exactly what I wanted.
This past weekend Silas and I travelled down south to the adoption agency to meet with the social worker for our second of four post placement reports that are required by Bulgaria. It's cheaper for us to go down there than for them to come to us. Plus this way we get to see family.
We were about 3 hrs down the road when Silas got tired and started fussing. We'd already stopped to eat so I knew he wasn't hungry. He just needed to settle down and go to sleep but he was having some trouble getting relaxed.
So I pulled the van over on the side of the highway in a little town with a population of about 50. When I opened the sliding door on the van one of Silas' boots fell out. (He loves to undress as much as he can when we drive. lol) I picked it up and threw it back in the van. I didn't see anything else fall out but the interior light on the van has stopped coming on automatically so there wasn't much light. I glanced around at the ground as cars went by shining their lights and didn't see anything else down there.
I got Silas settled a bit and we took off down the road again.
A couple hours later we got to my brother's house in the city. When he helped me unload the van I realized one of Silas' boots was missing! We looked all over the van and it just wasn't there. Ugh! I was pretty upset and mad at myself for being so careless.
I looked again the next morning in the daylight and I still couldn't find it. So I knew it must have fallen out in the little town when we stopped.
I thought to call the little general store in that town. The lady at the store didn't know what she could do to help. I didn't know whose house had stopped in front of to tell her where to look. But she took my number down in case someone turned it in.
And then she said those dreaded words......"Oh you know it snowed a bit last night and the plow just went past about five minutes ago." My heart sank. The chances of the boot showing up seemed to be getting slimmer and slimmer.
My sister in law was kind enough to find an old pair of my nephews boots for us to borrow. I looked at a few big stores in the city for a new pair but everyone was sold out and had the rubber boots on display already.
I tried not to think about it too much and we enjoyed our weekend. Silas had a blast playing with his cousins and I got the post placement visit done. On Sunday we went to church and Silas got to attend Sunday school for the first time!
We left for home on Sunday afternoon. I left in time so that we would still have daylight when we went through the little town. I was hanging on to a bit of hope that we would find that boot!
I prayed off and on the whole way there. As I drove further north the snow in the ditches got deeper. How much snow had the little town gotten, I wondered. How far into the ditch would the snow plow have pushed the boot?
I had a plan that I would drive up to where I thought I had stopped and get out and look. When we got to the town I drove slowly and scanned the other side of the road. Looking and hoping!
And sure enough! In the middle of someone's driveway, half buried in the snow from the plow, sat one left boot! I laughed that surprised laugh you do when something unexpectedly exciting happens. Then I pulled the van over and rescued the boot. The people who lived in that house must have been away because there were no tracks through the snow in their driveway.
Then I teared up a bit and texted my sister in law with the news. Mommy emotions snuck up on me for sure. I was so happy and thankful.
Boot in the snow (re-enactment for blogging purposes) |
And then I thanked God again for looking after us and our missing boot. The pair is now reunited, left(behind) and right. Once again everything is alright in my world.
I'm telling you this story to remind you that God cares about you. I don't believe it was luck that found the boot. It was God answering a prayer plain and simple. It was a reminder to me to trust God with the little things as well as the big things.
Commit your way unto the Lord; trust in Him, and he will act. Psalm 37:5