Clearly this blog has taken a back seat role as I adjust to being a mom of two boys! I'm sure you all understand so I won't even apologize. I've had more important things to do the last 82 days. :)
On August 29th (82 days ago!) I wrapped my arms around my tiny, fragile little baby and walked him out of that orphanage forever. My 12 lb almost two year old, with every rib showing, spine sticking out his back, had the best giggles in the hotel that night. He knew mama had come for him!
Is that you Mama? |
It is! |
As happy as can be in the hotel |
Silas was back in Canada having fun with Grandpa and Grandma |
The very next day we were on an airplane to fly home. Myles did quite well on the flights. He did cry on the descent on the second flight because his ears hurt. International travel is so exhausting! And were we ever glad to get home. Going through customs in Toronto sucked so bad. Myles was still crying. I couldn't hear the customs agent he was so loud. I handed him to my sister so I could figure out what I needed to answer. And then we couldn't find the stroller. And then a drug sniffing dog figured we had drugs. Turns out dogs don't know the difference between baby food and drugs and I had to open the diaper bag. Myles was screaming still so that was super fun. Eventually we somehow made it to our last flight. It's a bit of a blur now but I'm sure glad Sara was with me!
Sleeping on the plane |
And then we made it to Winnipeg! Silas and most of the family was there to greet us at the airport.
The next day I loaded both my boys into the van and drove back home. I think it took 7 hrs but it went pretty smoothly considering it was Myles' first long car trip and my first time driving with both boys on my own.
The next day Myles and I woke up around 4am thanks to good ol' jetlag. I fed him breakfast and took him back into bed with me and that's when it hit me.
I have a BABY!! A freaking BABY!!! An honest to goodness teeny tiny BABY!!
hahahaha He was just days from his second birthday but he looked and acted like a 3 mth old. I think it also hit me at that moment the fact that the adoption was done and the stress of the last 16 mths was over! Such a relief!
So what can I tell you about Myles? He's taught me that I can take almost everything I learned from Silas and throw it out the window. He is shy, easily overwhelmed, hates swinging but loves bouncing, he can go from content to screaming in 5 seconds, he doesn't like strangers. He has strong opinions. He's pretty much the opposite from my outgoing, adventure seeking five year old! And that's totally okay.
He is slowly adjusting to life here. He's definitely attached to me big time! He loves his mama and prefers me over anyone. There was a lot of crying from him the first few weeks home but that has lessened though he still cries way more than Silas ever did. lol It helps that he has the best giggle ever.
He has turned 2 yrs old and gained three pounds and grown several teeth since coming home. We're working on eating from a spoon vs from a bottle, and sitting up. He can now tolerate sitting up in the Bumbo chair!
We've had several doctor visits. His heart isn't perfect and he'll need to see the cardiologist regularly for the rest of his life. Next month we see the feeding clinic and hopefully get some tips on how to get him to hate spoons less. ;)
Spoon.... |
Feeding..... |
Progress! |
He's started all the therapies and he hates most of that. It's hard to know where to draw the line between pushing him to work and comforting his crying. We'll get there eventually but it sure makes me appreciate how much Silas' curiosity drove him to want to learn how to crawl/walk/run. Myles would rather be cuddled thank you very much! And I love my Myles snuggles! <3
Silas has adjusted wonderfully to having a little brother. I've even caught him trying to comfort Myles when he's crying. That part has gone better than I thought it would! They still don't play together because neither of them really knows how to play with someone else but I think that will come with time. Myles will get more interesting when he starts to crawl.
Silas has started school in Sept and I think it's going well. Some days he gives them a run for their money but staff and students seem to like him so I'm happy. He gets and gives the most high fives out of anyone in the school I'm sure!
So that's what we've been up to these days! Having two boys is twice the work and twice the fun and 100% worth it!
Here's a picture dump!
I think this was taken within the first few days back home. |
Proud grandparents |
So you're the kid everyone keeps talking about. |
My beautiful Sister Sara! |
Silas would like a motorized "anything" for Christmas!
He loves machines!
Good mornin' bro! |
They're so cute! |
The day it wasn't freezing and Silas started
to doubt my parenting skills in the dressing department.
Silas got to dress up twice for school because mommy
got the party date wrong.
Handsome Clark Kent |
My Supermen |
So much mischief and energy in one little boy.
Hanging out in little brother's bed.
First day of school! Sept 7th |
A tired looking boy waiting for the bus.
Teething Ugh!
These pictures were taken tonight. I wanted to get a matching pj picture but Silas was so tired he fell asleep before Myles was in his pjs! Poor boy has been fighting a cold all week.
That's just a fraction of the pictures on my cell phone! lol